Unlock the power of data products for domain-driven teams.

1. Assemble team for the task

Every team owns a business domain, has a mission. It has as many workspaces as it needs its own private project space. Everybody involved is easily onboarded and always is able to find one's way.

2. Consume data products

The team decides which other work it wants to consume to complete its mission. A short approval process makes sure that compliance and governance are fulfilled.

3. Add datasets and tools

From within the project workspaces, the team works collaboratively, focused and effective, with the data and tools it needs. Support by your technical stuff is seamless.

4. Produce data products

Teams bundles their know-how into data products. After documenting and releasing a new version of a data product, it can be immediately discovered and consumed by others.

k-teams creator Bernd Fondermann
k-teams creator
Bernd Fondermann

"k-teams helps your enterprise to fully transform into a data-driven organisation."

Easy onboarding, data firewalling, regulation-ready, from exploration to production

Jupyter labs fully supported

Jupyter labs fully supported

You choose the flavor (Python, R, tensorflow) we colocate relevant datasets with your notebooks.

From lonely fighter to data teams

From lonely fighters to data teams

Discover projects, data, documentation, models and algorithms other data professionals are working on. Share Data Products.

Let your boss know how your doing

Show to your boss how you are doing

Easily manage data, documents, budgets, projects...

Tame the Cloud, even Multi-Cloud

Tame the Cloud, even Multi-Cloud

Wherever your data is, we've got you covered. In one place, use data from AWS, Azure, GCP and your own storages. Regardless of files, objects storage or databases.

Data Mesh Features

  • domain-oriented teams
  • self-service platform for tools and data
  • teams publish and consume Data Products
  • data ownership held by producing teams
  • directly access docs or talk to data owners
  • quick discovery and consumption of data products

Team and Collaboration Features

  • consistent data ownership by teams
  • multi-cloud datasets
  • teams manage storage and tools in self-service
  • easily separate exploration and labs from production
  • write and publish docs and educate others
  • full audit trail

Enterprise Features

  • built-in common roles for governance, operations etc.
  • track how data is shared (lineage)
  • track project sponsors (costs)
  • complete data and tool lifecycle management
  • runs on any Kubernetes cluster
  • integrates with your single-sign-on

See the benefits immediately by easily trying k-teams on your machine!

I want to learn more

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